The problem

Maybe he just needs to be himself, X tells me, maybe that’s the problem, that he’s not being himself. Maybe he should just be himself without caring what people think. Maybe he cares too much about what people think, he says. Maybe he just hasn’t found himself yet, he says, and that’s why he’s not himself yet and cares too much about what people think. Maybe he needs to find himself in order to be himself without caring what people think, he says. Because only when he finds himself will he be able to be himself without caring what people think, he says. So to be himself he has to find himself, that much is clear, he says. So how does he find himself? he asks. Maybe he should take an exotic holiday and take a long walk along a beach, he says. Maybe a nice long break would help his mind settle into its natural folds. Maybe he should take some time off for himself for once, he says, just to be himself and reflect on what’s important in life, find his centre. He could start by taking a bubble bath, he says, pamper himself a bit and think about what to do. Maybe he should take a yoga class, he says, get centred and get in touch with atman and Brahman, be one with the sea like a wave and all that. Or maybe he just needs to grow up, he says, be a man, earn some money and get a life, or maybe he just needs to get laid, can I find him a girl? Of course I can’t, he says.

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